11th September 2019

Coleraine Art Society New Programme of Events 2019-2020
We are delighted to host the Coleraine Arts Society Life Drawing workshops over the next 7 months and host their annual exhibition opening in October. See below for full details of their workshop dates, exhibition, AGM and a planned En plein air watercolour day in June.
The workshops are free to Society members and all levels of abilities are welcome. New members are always welcome and joining is easy. Simply come along to one of our evenings and pay your membership then. You can request a membership form by contacting the Coleraine Arts Society on Facebook, or by emailing colerainearts@gmail.com or following them on twitter @colerainearts or instagram at coleraineartsociety. Membership fees for the year are Adults £20, Families £30 and Students £15.
Life Drawing Classes
The life drawing workshops will be facilitated by Raymond Kennedy, and are aimed at developing skills of observation and drawing as well as the use of colour and materials. The workshops run on the second Wednesday of each month from 7.00pm to 9.30pm.
11th September 2019, life drawing, quick poses, charcoal and pencil.
09th October 2019, life drawing, quick and long poses, charcoal and pencil.
13th November 2019, life drawing, tonal studies.
11th December 2019, life drawing, colour studies.
08th January 2020, life drawing, movement.
12th February 2020, life drawing, long pose.
11th March 2020, life drawing, long pose.
These practical workshops will feature a life model. The tutor will lead workshops participants in the representation of the human form using different approaches and techniques. Bring your own media. Boards and easels will be provided.
Coleraine Arts Society 71st Annual Exhibition
Thursday 3rd October 7pm
Friday 04th October 2019 to Saturday 09th November 2019
Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart. The exhibition will feature work from the Society’s members. Opening event and prize giving evening will be held at the launch event on the 3rd of October. All welcome.
En Plein Air Watercolour Day
20th June 2020
En plein air watercolour day on the North Coast facilitated by artist Paul O’Kane. details of location to follow nearer the time.